

Blas Hernandez

Well well, I wanted to start our first article on our blog not talking about development stuff, what I really wanted to talk is about my experience and all the way that I have to walk to get to the point that I am now.

smiling woman

Well well, I wanted to start our first article on our blog not talking about development stuff, what I really wanted to talk is about my experience and all the way that I have to walk to get to the point that I am now.

so let’s begin talking about how was the start.

At the beginning, it was me only me with a big desire for success and all the intentions to start in this world I have to tell you I did had the knowledge or the skills only the desire.

I got my first job out of any platform because a recommendation with a friend, I will be always grateful to him because it was my first opportunity to show the world what I was capable of.

I had to learn a lot since the basic programming skills to English knowledge ( my main language is Spanish so even if the people that I worked with were Spanish speakers all the documentation, best courses, and resources were on English). It was a very challenging and interesting part of my life and like all the works you have a task to do and you have some free time. I used this time to study and learn, this gives the impressions to my bosses that I got the will to learn so they teach me a lot.

humidity to learn was one of my main values and that allows me for them to teach me.

some time letter I decided that. I got ready to find looking my clients so I started to look in the different platforms, I’m not going to lie to you it was hard to find my first work, none one wants to hire someone with no proved experience. But after six months looking with perseverance, the first opportunity nock the doors. I wasn’t my best client. but I learned an important concept “pay the price” if you want something you have to be willing to pay the price of what it cost, is not money is about time and dedication.

Other clients came and that’s part of another history, the important thing I want you to learn in this post is the perseverance and the humility are very important values that you need to have if you want to start your life as a Freelancer.

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