

Brayan Montañez

Success is relative. Each person may see it in different ways.

two men pointing each other

It is not fair to compare ourselves with other people.

Usually when we make this type of comparison we are only looking at the positive, the brightness of their lives, and we tend to compare ourselves against that, which can be quite far from reality, so we do not see what is behind, the struggle and the efforts but only see the goal achieved and nothing of its context. It is not fair to compare ourselves in this way because many factors influence whether it is not a fair comparison, but what is comparable is how we are today, that is, how we can compare ourselves today to how we were today some time ago.

How were you 1 year ago?

How were you 6 months ago?

How were you 1 month ago?

How were you 1 week ago?

These questions are the comparisons that are worth asking yourself. Other people are not you, they are not like you, you are a unique and different person, you are and must be the best version of yourself today because surely those people with whom you compare yourself would have sunk with all that you have faced and lived.

Why are there people standing in front of me?

Possibly the most frequent question we ask ourselves in any job. Why does this person know more about React than I do, why does he know more about Docker than I do, and why is this person the boss of the company and not me, the answer is simply because these people sat down to study and had their vision before you did. Time and experience pretty much determine people's success, and that's why success is relative to each person.

If we were in a forest, and we wanted to go from point A to point B and there is no path, trying to get to the destination without a path will be quite difficult, but, once it has been traveled 1, 2, 3 and 4 times the path will start to be created, the path where other people will be able to follow it and it will be easier to get from point A to B since you created this guide. And that's how it happens in life, where when you get to a new company where your bosses are the founders, and you consider that they don't know half of what you know, it doesn't mean that they are not fit to be in their position, because for X or Y reason they got to where they are and they had the vision of how to get there.

Everything is a race in the professional aspect, to be at the point where you want to reach that success will depend on the moment in which you dedicate yourself to looking for it. The success you achieve will be reached with the first step, but remember that you will not achieve success overnight, every success has its effort and time behind it.

The starting point of everything is a failure, and this does not mean that you do not try because you know you are going to fail, but for this reason, you should not get frustrated because some idea has not worked, because there will always be learning. Losing is winning even if sometimes it is hard to recognize it.

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