

Daniel Diaz

Nowadays, the importance of technology and how it helps us to solve problems has not gone unnoticed. Digital acceleration has spread to all sectors around us. For this reason, companies seek to incorporate into their organizations the most in-demand and productive technological profiles among their employees.

people in a meeting

Nowadays, the importance of technology and how it helps us to solve problems has not gone unnoticed. Digital acceleration has spread to all sectors around us. For this reason, companies seek to incorporate into their organizations the most in-demand and productive technological profiles among their employees.

To transform companies, management leaders need to make an investment and implement new processes, systems, and qualified personnel. In the end, it is people who drive change and to do it properly, you have to have the best people.

Technology demands have increased dramatically as a result of digital acceleration. This has led to a greater need and growth in the search for technological talent.

That is why below we will see some of the professional profiles that a technology company should have:

Frontend Developer: Developers in charge of creating user interfaces (UI). User interfaces are the views that allow interaction between users and the system through buttons, forms, navigation menus, pop-up screens, texts, among others. Also, specialists in this area integrate UIs with APIs (application programming interface) to interact with data and information. In addition to this, it is important that a frontend developer understands the easiest way to implement a solution for people who have no knowledge of computers, this is called User Experience (UX). Frontend developers are able to implement business models or other complex processes so that the interaction with data is appropriate.

The technologies that frontend developers use are: β€’ Html β€’ CSS β€’ JavaScript

The technologies based on the specialization that some frontend developers use are: β€’ Typescript β€’ React.js β€’ Angular β€’ Vue.js β€’ Others.

Backend Developer: Developers who are in charge of creating solutions at the server level. These solutions communicate with the front end or with other systems. Mainly this area is in charge of connecting and interacting with databases and building the logic of the business model. Security is a fundamental part of the systems, the backend developer implements mechanisms that solve this type of problem.

Some of the technologies that backend developers use are: β€’ JavaScript β€’ Typescript β€’ Node.js β€’ Python β€’ Java β€’ Go β€’ PhP β€’ Ruby β€’ C#

Mobile Developer: They are professionals who develop native and/or hybrid mobile applications. Native applications are those that use the tool's own technology, in the case of Android the native technologies to be developed are Java and Kotlin, in the case of IOS it is Swift. Web developers (especially frontend developers) can also develop mobile applications when the technologies to be developed implement JavaScript or typescript, HTML, and CSS. A couple of examples are React Native and Ionic. Companies decide to hire a mobile developer depending on the need they need to cover, the costs are much lower when using frontend developers for these cases and the solutions are very similar to the native ones.

Database Administrator (DBA): They are professionals who work directly in the structure that supports and manages the data of the systems. At this point, the responsibility mainly in systems in production is extremely high, there is no margin of error without the associated platforms not suffering a small bug in some moments. DBAs execute direct queries to databases for different purposes, in addition to creating functions to execute processes. The technologies used in this area are:

β€’ Some SQL Databases are: o PostgreSQL. o MySQL. o Oracle.

β€’ Some Non SQL Databases are: o MongoDB. o Firestore.

DevOps: They are professionals who specialize in cloud architecture, for example, AWS or Microsoft Azure. The job of a DevOps professional is to create a secure, maintainable, and scalable ecosystem on which applications and platforms will run. Cloud architectures are large and complex in certain processes, so it is necessary to assign a person to work in this area when systems are in high demand. Resource economization is the priority for a Cloud professional.

Scrum Master / Agile Coach: The name of this responsibility may vary depending on the methodologies or ways of working of a company, basically, this professional is the guide of the development team in terms of organization, helps maintain an equitable workflow for all team members and is the direct link between the team and the development leader, the activities that make a Scrum Master / Agile Coach are:

β€’ Lead Daily meetings. β€’ Understand the status of ongoing projects. β€’ Understand the work status of each developer. β€’ Distribute the work in an equitable way depending on the profiles of each developer. β€’ Perform reports and documentation of processes and systems. β€’ Give proposals for improvements in work processes. β€’ Among others.

Marketing Specialist: They are professionals who guide companies to achieve objectives, which may be: create a community, generate value to a community, improve business brand, sell through different mechanisms. It is useless to have an excellent technical team and not worry about these details that in the end are those that will allow the income of money to companies through the capture and retention of customers. People are responsible for carrying out innovation, therefore, we must keep in mind to improve workforce management. It is of vital importance to have a team of experts in the most demanded technological profiles to accompany you in the renewal of your company and your digital projects to reach the top.

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